Second Supplier Award for Novomatic

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Novomatic, one of the largest gaming software providers in the world, is thrilled to announce that it received the award for the second consecutive time in the Casino Supplier of the Year category at the Global Gaming Awards that took place in London during the ICE.

Harald Neumann, the Chief Executive Officer at Novomatic, commented on the award by saying that they operate around 2,100 electronic casinos and casinos around the world and have 28 technology centers in 16 countries. He added that this enables them to test their products in their own casinos and respond more quickly to industry developments and requests from international customers.

Neumann went on to say that this award confirms that they perform highly professional work and that this is also recognized by industry experts.

Challenge Casino
Harald Neumann and Thomas Graf (Novomatic)
Harald Neumann and Thomas Graf (Novomatic)

This sought-after prize is awarded in 16 categories and honors companies for their service and product innovations. The judging panel consists of 50 of the worldโ€™s leading industry experts who select the winners from 165 nominated candidates. The award is among the fairest and most reputable in the entire gaming industry due to the fact that every vote is audited and awarded independently by KPMG, the largest auditing and consulting firm in the world.

Novomatic employs over 30,000 staff around the world and has locations in more than 50 countries.

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